Since 1996, on 600 acres in northern Nicaragua, Diego Chavarria has grown coffee, but the real story is about how God grew him. As a Christian, Diego always tried to provide more than the bare minimum for his workers, but like all coffee growers, he is at the mercy of the market. When coffee prices crashed in 2000, Diego’s income crashed and his debt sky-rocketed. Seven years of struggle followed. When the bank repossessed his farm, Diego stayed on as steward of a seemingly failed business. He attempted to keep his workers year-round, including off-season. He helped bring teachers to the local schools, supported medical clinics, and often shared what food the family had.But a day came when Diego broke. There was no food for his own family, nothing to pay the workers with, and no cash for operation. The bank was poised to shut the farm down. Diego turned again to God and help came. On America’s day of Thanksgiving in 2007, a check for $260,000 arrived in the Chavarria’s mailbox.
Daily, Diego thanks God for giving his family their farm back, and with his profits, has helped plant 26 churches in the mountains of northern Nicaragua. He continues to pay off his loan, living simply and helping others. Above all, he is thankful for the suffering God allowed in his life. His faith has grown. His life has become kingdom-focused: “We have to think the way the Lord thinks. The main thing is, what am I doing here for the Kingdom of Heaven?”
New Geneva Roasters is privileged to be part of what Diego Chavarria is doing.